Marburg “Epidemic” Apocalypse News Update!! Marburg Will Be Activated In Vaxxed (Via A Lipid Nanoparticle) Who Are A Patented And Owned New Species And 5G (Broadcasting A Pulsed 18 GHz Signal) Will Release Virus!! Gene Deletion Technology The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has rolled out a zombie apocalypse preparedness guide on its official website….

Fasting: A Game Changer for Spike Protein Injuries, Potentially Combats Alzheimer’s and Cancer

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, fasting was primarily associated with metabolic diseases, with several doctors recommending it for weight loss and diabetes management. Can Fasting Reset the Immune System? Fasting encompasses two main forms: prolonged fasting, lasting for at least 36 hours, and intermittent fasting, a popular lifestyle intervention involving shorter fasting periods of 12 to…

Geo engineering – Insanity in our sky’s

If we decide to “solar geoengineer” the Earth—to spray highly reflective particles of a material, such as sulfur, into the stratosphere in order to deflect sunlight and so cool the planet.

Geo-engineering Watch – CLIMATE ENGINEERING

Extreme weather whiplash is now the norm, how much worse will it get? Mainstream media has been continuously sensationalizing the storms impacting the Western US, how much rain are they going to grant us? The climate engineers can alter the equation any time they want. What haven’t Americans been told about Europe’s recent record shattering weather? How…

Are China’s Coal Stockpiles Low ?

Question: China relies on coal for most of its commercial energy usage, partly because the country has abundant supplies of this resource. As a result, China’s use of coal is playing a large role in the warming of the global atmosphere. Do you think China is justified in expanding its use of this resource as…

 Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Coal Plants 

Question:Do you think that an intensive government-supported program to build Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) coal plants would be a good investment of taxpayer dollars? Is it even possible to get Co2 out of the air? So far, the experimental projects for capturing and storing Co2 have not been very effective and have been quite…